Tuesday, November 21, 2023

The Logic of the Response in No Trump Bidding in Bridge

Contract or Party Bridge is a Game of Logic!!! Bridge is my Card Game and Asian Mahjong is my Tile Game. I am now playing bridge 3 times per week here at THD.  There is a Bridge Game every day here at THD. If you love to play bridge, THD is the Place For You if you are looking for an Independent Living Senior Community in the EastBay!! 


Here's some useful tips from Phil Paris-a good bridge player here at THD on responses to No Trump Bidding 

No Trump bidding

A bid of one no trump communicates something important to partner.  You have 15 - 17 points and a balanced hand (no voids, no singleton, only one doubleton).  It does not mean you want to end up with a no trump bid.  It is safer to end up in a suit.  It is best not to bid one NT with 18 or 19 points, a much stronger hand you let partner know on your second bid - a jump shift.  When even more fortunate to be dealt a balanced hand with 20 or 21 points, a 2 NT opener is called for. In the rare case of a balanced hand with 25 points, the bid is 3 NT.

No Trump responses

The first goal is to find a suit, combining eight cards in a major suit (hearts or spades).

There is a three step response to an opening no trump bid:

  1. With a five card major, ( You need no points to transfer.)-Use the Jacoby transfer.  Most important is your second bid, after partner has transferred.  You have no idea if partner has 2 or 3 cards in you major suit.  You bid your points.  With 8 points, pass, With 9 points, bid two NT and with 10 points, bid 3 NT.  Now your partner knows exactly how many points you have.  Partner will bid the major suit if they have three of that suit, making a total of five.  Partner will bid No Trump if they have only two of the suit.  But partner, knowing exactly how many points you have, will bid knowing it takes 25 points for a game bid of either three NT or 4 of that major suit.
  2. With a four card major suit and at lest 8 points, the bid is 2 clubs-Stayman. Partner will respond with their four card major suit in an effort to find that 8 card major suit.  If partner has no four card major suit, their bid is 2 NT if they have 15 or 16 points.  If fortunate to have 17 points, partner bids 3 NT knowing you have at least 8 points, a total of that 25 points needed for a game bid.
  3. Without a five card or four card suit, the bid is simply on the basis of your point count.

      With 8 points or less, pass. With 9 points the bid is 2 NT.  With 10 points, bid 3 NT  as partner has at least 15 points for a total of 25 points.  That 2 NT bid with nine points serves as an invite to partner to bid 3 NT if they have 16 points, for a total of 25 points.

Question: Does 25 points guarantee making a game bid of 3 NT or 4 in a major suit?

Answer: Certainly not, but chances are very good the bid will succeed.  There is no perfect system; there is only the greater chance of success.

Personal Note: If partnership has a total of 25 Points and did not make a game contract- Just blamed it on distribution, if you did not make a bad play! or it is your unlucky day!

Question: Do you know the difference between a 2Clubs versus a 2NT opening bid?

The difference between a 2 Clubs bid ( 22 or more points) that it is a forcing bid, whereas you can Pass a 2NT( 20-21 balanced hand) opening bid if you have 0-3 points. You have to respond however 2 Diamonds if you have 0-3 points if partner opens with 2Clubs. This will keep the bidding open.   

Here are the artificial responses to a 2 Clubs Opening Bid showing your points: 2D(0-3 pts), 2H( 4-6 pts), 2S (7-9 pts) and 2NT (10 pts or more)

Here are the responses to an Opening 2NT bid ( 20-22 balanced hand) using the American Standard ( Yellow Card) bidding system. Enjoy the Game and Relax!

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