Thursday, December 28, 2023

A Welcome Visit from the Fe Jambalos Clan

Yesterday, I had a short visit from my sister-in-law, Fe ( Pepot) N. Jambalos  now residing in the Philippines, visiting her two daughters ( Lanie and Ella) and her three grandchildren, Wesley, Samantha, and Adrian here in the US.  Fe is Macrine's (RIP) younger sister, a retired accountant and a dual Filipino-American citizen. 

They gave me a Christmas Parol hand-made by Adrian and Ella(see photo above) . Its has blinking lights on it. I was sure If I got this before Christmas, it would have win a Prize for our THD Door Decoration Contest. They also brought me some Godiva Chocolate.  Thank You, Fe Jambalos Clan for the gifts and visit.

Here are some photos of their visit:

Me and the Fe Jambalos Clan from Mountain View, CA  and Washington, DC 

Pepot and Me with my Christmas Parol Star Gift 

Lanie, Pepot, Me and Ella

Lanie, Merlet, Pepot, Me, Ella, Adrian, Wesley and Samantha

The Star PAROL gift of Ella and Adrian and my Capiz Shell Parol from the Philippines-perfect Christmas Decor for my apartment.

I received also a Christmas gift (Santa Claus Candy) from My Zumba teacher, Sabrina Monahan. Thank You, Sabrina for your thoughtfulness. Hope to see you soon at Zumba time!

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