Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Travel with Me to Belfast, North Ireland via Ditas Photos

Ditas at Queen's University, Belfast, North Ireland

Last week, Ditas was in Belfast, North Ireland to visit Carenna doing her Fall Semester Scholarship Term from Queens University.  Before going back to the US, Ditas had taken a few days to visit some of the tourist spots of Belfast and surrounding areas. Later Ditas will fly to India for another 2 weeks of vacation prior to their return to Washington DC, while Carenna is finishing her Fall term at Queens University.  Here are some photos they took around Belfast for your viewing pleasure. 


Meanwhile the Meet and Greet Event yesterday from Hillendale Home Care Partnership with THD yielded a few gifts as follows:

This partnership insures that THD residents home care needs is meet without moving into another assisted-living community. 

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