Sunday, January 28, 2024

My 2023 Blog Book Has Arrived

My 2023 blog book that I ordered last week finally arrived.  The book starts with my blog dated October 7, 2023. The first topic is places in US where TAGALOG is the most spoken language after English and Spanish and the Octoberfest Celebration here at THD.  

The last article is dated January 4, 2024. The title of the article- Is Joe Biden too Old to be Reelected?  The book has 215 pages and hundreds of photos. The book was printed by Blog2Print, powered by XanEdu.   Here are samples of the photos from this book. Some photos need to be rotated for better viewing.  Sorry, I do not have the apps to rotate some of my photos. 

Back Cover of my blog Book!

If you want to see your photo(s) in this book, I will be happy to lend you this book for your leisurely viewing. I believe majority of THD residents photo are in this book taken during our New Year's Eve Party, Filipino-American History Month Celebration, Taste of Japan Dinner photos and Happy Hour photos.  The actual photos are actually clearer( better resolution) than what is printed in this blog.  

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