Sunday, February 4, 2024

One of My Favorite Activity Here at THD

From Left to Right: Martha Melendez, Linda Esner, Me, Sabrina Monahan, Marsha Kefer, Richard Botton and Norman Nelson

Of the many numerous activities here at THD, the Zumba Exercises conducted by Sabrina Monahan is one of my favorite activity here at THD. It comes 3rd after Bridge(1st) and Hongkong Mahjong( 2nd). The photo above was taken yesterday at our 1PM dance session.  Since pictures are worth more than a thousand words, I say no more. Here are photos for your viewing pleasure. 

Shake It Man!!! 

The Cantor is Dancing!!!

Marsha and I doing our Thing with Sway!

Thanks to Martha's daughter for taking the photos. Martha's daughter is visiting her Mom. She is from Shingle Springs, CA. Shingle Springs is very close to Fair Oaks, my former home.  

This is a Fun Activity. You do not have to follow all the moves. Come join us every Saturday at 1PM and I guarantee you will have fun.  

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