Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Skin Hunger- Benefits of Massage Therapy

In my previous two postings, I mentioned that I pamper myself currently by signing a 10-session - I hour whole body massage from a local reputable massage therapist Darryl Choy ( Indy). Indy comes to my apartment every week and gave me a whole body massage that I really need because of my leg and lower back problems. In the article below I summarize the benefits of massage therapy.
Here's a summary of an article I read recently on the effects of skin hunger and the need for massage therapy. 
"Skin hunger, or touch deprivation as it’s more commonly known, is the unfulfilled need for receiving touch and physical contact. 

Touch is the first sense that develops in the embryo and research suggests that alongside water, food and rest, we need touch and affection for our bodies to function at their best. Saul Schanberg once said that, “We forget that touch is not only basic to our species, but the key to it.” 

P.N.K Heylings wrote an article in the British Medical Journal, called, ‘The No Touch Epidemic – an English Disease’. It lists a number of symptoms of skin hunger, which include:

  • Loneliness, Unusual reactions to being touched or touching others, A sense of insecurity, A reduced ability to communicate with others standing close and by questioning the loyalties of other people. 

While we may not be able to trace the exact roots of this touch avoidant attitude mentioned by Heyling, we know that the issue has become more pronounced given that we’re spending more time with our technology and less time engaging in person. 
The fact that we’re also living through a loneliness epidemic suggests that we’re not receiving the connections we desire, and this is having a knock-on impact on our mental and physical health ". 

So My dear fellow residents, pamper your self by having a whole body massage once in a while. It is not cheap, but at the stage of our life, we do not need to suffer of skin hunger or touch deprivation. If you can not afford a massage, here are some suggestions. Hugs relatives, touched pets ( cats and dogs) and self-massage, hug a pillow or sleep with a weighted blanket. 

Finally, Massage is an excellent substitute for sleeping pills if you are suffering from insomnia.  A substitute for Pain Killers if you are suffering from back aches and pains.  

For complete details on skin hunger read the following.,to%20function%20at%20their%20best.

Meanwhile, enjoy this photo I took of the Daffodils blooming in the THD Court Yard just recently.

My Quote of the Day:  Friendship improves happiness and abates misery by doubling our joy and dividing our grief- Joseph Addison, 1672-1719- English Essayist

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