Monday, March 25, 2024

Have You Heard of Acrostic Poetry? Some Examples

Last week I had been posting on the Katague Clan personal experiences of Kindness from Strangers. This week, the subject will be totally different starting with acrostic poetry and perhaps ending with my postings on unusual English words, homonyms and again possibly on Filipino Food by the end of the week. Today it is acrostic poetry inspired by Marsha Kefer.  

Marsha Kefer send me last week an acrostic poem she wrote with my name DAVID. She titled it Ode to DAVID

D   is for his DANCING shoes

A   Is for his positive ATTITUDE 

V   Is for his VARIATION of the word clogs

I     Is for his INTERESTING and INFORMATIVE blogs

  Is for the Philippine restaurants he loves to DINE

Oh, I wish there was another letter to complete this rhyme!

💛Thanks a Million, Marsha for this poem. It is a variation of a true acrostic poem as follows: 

     D edicated Blogger since 2008

            A ccomplished Scientist with FDA.

V enturous in his taste buds

   I nteresting posts in his blogs

          D elightful company in everyday.  

                                K nowledgeable of Philippine history
                                A ppreciative of God's Grace and Blessings, 
                                T hankful for loving and thoughtful relatives
                                A bundance of friends here at THD.
                                G rateful for long life and good health
                                U nbeatable in Hong Kong Mahjong on Thursdays
                                E lation for winning bridge on Mondays and Fridays.     

Acrostic poetry- Poetry that certain letters, usually the first in each line form a word or message when read in a sequence. 

Chareau Du Mer- My Second Home in Boac, Marinduque, Philippines. An acrostic Poem written by Victor Viscara (RIP).  

And Here's a tribute to my two Cats-Batman and Robin

Here are two of my favorites Acrostic Poems:

 Here's an original Poem by Me Inspired By Marsha's Ode to David

The above poem is acrostic, but not majestic, 
Very simple, very truthful and not erotic. 
Inspired by Marsha Kefer, Ode to David,
Made my day and felt much beloved!

I can write I can sing and I can dance,
What else do you want me to do?
I try my best to make my blogs interesting,
A hard daily grind, but worth achieving!

Your comments, verbal or written are welcome,
Hoping to hear from you in the days to come. 
Thank you THD Readers and Relatives,
 Time of my life to always remain Positive!

Thank You to All My Readers all over the World,
 Proud to achieve the million page views threshold. 

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