Thursday, March 28, 2024

Wanted Guest Writers-Variety is the Spice of Life

In the past, I have been honored by a few friends and relatives that consented to be GUEST Writers in my blogs. If you are reading this posting, consider it as an invitation to be a GUEST writer in my blogs. There will be no monetary reward.  However, you will be thankfully acknowledged and exposed and possibly received compliments from my over a million viewers all over the world, if they like your article. 

You can write on any topic, except politics, religion and sex.  These 3 topics usually attract attention and controversy. However, I feel majority of my readers wants articles that are simple, interesting and relevant. If you decide to guest write in my blogs, here are tips that will make your writing more effective.

I need guest writers to spice up my blogs. Writing is just like Food. No matter how good is your Writing or your Food,  you need variety to keep it from not boring and tasteless. A good analogy is our Food here at Newton's. The food is great, but partaking the same food every day is also boring, That is why, I have been suggesting to THD management to feature an International Dish at least once a month in our Dinner Menu. In my case, I indulged myself once a month with either Filipino Dishes, Dim Sum or Mexican Food. This gave variety to my meals and appreciate more of the Newton's Dishes afterwards.      

The links below are three articles written by my guest writers: These writers are excellent writers and I guarantee you will enjoy their articles.

Last but not least, here's an article I wrote in 2011 about Taking a Break from My Writing Activities. it is a must read, if you enjoy my articles in my blogs.

Here's another article I wrote that attracted a lot of attention because of its Title- I am a Man But Gave Birth to Two Sons.

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