Marinduque Mainland from Tres Reyes Islands

Marinduque Mainland from Tres Reyes Islands
View of Marinduque Mainland from Tres Reyes Islands-Click on photo to link to Chateau Du Mer


If this is your first time in this site, welcome. It has been my dream that my province, Marinduque, Philippines becomes a world tourist destination not only during Easter Week but also whole year round. You can help me achieve my dream by telling your friends about this site. The photo above is your own private beach at The Chateau Du Mer Beach Resort. The sand is not as white as Boracay, but it is only a few steps from your front yard and away from the mayhem and crowds of Boracay. I have posted some of my favorite Filipino and American dishes and recipes on this site also. Some of the photos and videos on this site, I do not own. However, I have no intention on infringement of your copyrights. Cheers!

Friday, August 9, 2024

Health Benefits of Running- Covid Warning/Power Outage

The last couple of days, incidence of Covid Cases here at THD appears to be in the increase. I heard about 4 residents have Covid in the Heritage Building. Thus the following reminder from THD Management (see brochure below).  Yesterday, I also heard  that there was a 2-hour Power Outage In the Heritage Tower which also affected the Food Preparation at Newton's. Lucky for me, The Fairmont and Liberty Buildings were not affected. This incident is loud signal to THD Management to provide Emergency Generators in all the Buildings in case of Power Outage- even if it only covers the Kitchen.  Front Desk and Elevators. I heard a couple of residents were trapped in the Elevator of the Heritage Tower. If that was me I would have a Panic Attack since I am claustrophobic. I pray I will never be trapped in the Elevator Here at THD.      

Meanwhile, In my previous posting I discussed the health benefits of walking. Today's post is the health benefits of running and jogging. Here at THD's, I only know of one Resident who is addicted to Running.    

Regular running or jogging offers many health benefits. Running can:

  • help to build strong bones, as it is a weight bearing exercise
  • strengthen muscles
  • improve cardiovascular fitness
  • burn plenty of kilojoules
  • help maintain a healthy weight.

An inactive lifestyle is associated with higher mortality, coronary artery disease, hypertension and stroke. It is also a primary cause of most chronic diseases, as the body rapidly adapts to insufficient physical activity which results in substantially reduced quality of life. 

Regular physical activity such as running can significantly improve mental health, self-confidence, healthy ageing, and quality of life. 

  • Running versus jogging

    The difference between running and jogging is intensity. Running is faster, uses more kilojoules and demands more effort from the heart, lungs and muscles than jogging. Running requires a higher level of overall fitness than jogging.

    Both running and jogging are forms of aerobic exercise. Aerobic means 'with oxygen' – the term 'aerobic exercise' means any physical activity that produces energy by combining oxygen with blood glucose or body fat.

    Goal setting for running and jogging

    Think about what you want to achieve from running or jogging. Issues to consider may include:

    • Getting fit – if you're a beginner, you should start with brisk walking, progress to jogging and work up to running. This should take a few months.
    • General fitness – mix your running with other forms of exercise (such as swimming or team sports) to maximise your overall fitness.
    • Weight loss – adjust your diet to include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetableslean meatswholegrain cereals and low-fat dairy products. Cut back on dietary fats, takeaway foods, soft drinks and sugar.
    • Companionship – you could run with a friend or join a local running club.
    • Competition – running clubs may offer competitive events. Most clubs have sessions designed for beginners through to advanced runners. You can pit your running skills against others in fun runs or marathons. Many community-based running events cater for people of all ages and abilities. Join a local orienteering club to combine running with the challenge of navigating through various environments.
Now for my inspiring message For All Seniors Today:

Never tell yourself you’re too old to make it.
Never tell yourself you missed your chance.
Never tell yourself that you aren’t good enough.
You can do it. Whatever it is that sets your soul on fire

Good Day to ALL- Hope you have a Grand Time at Our Luau later this afternoon! See you all in your colorful Mum Muu's and Hawaiian Shirts.

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