Marinduque Mainland from Tres Reyes Islands

Marinduque Mainland from Tres Reyes Islands
View of Marinduque Mainland from Tres Reyes Islands-Click on photo to link to Chateau Du Mer


If this is your first time in this site, welcome. It has been my dream that my province, Marinduque, Philippines becomes a world tourist destination not only during Easter Week but also whole year round. You can help me achieve my dream by telling your friends about this site. The photo above is your own private beach at The Chateau Du Mer Beach Resort. The sand is not as white as Boracay, but it is only a few steps from your front yard and away from the mayhem and crowds of Boracay. I have posted some of my favorite Filipino and American dishes and recipes on this site also. Some of the photos and videos on this site, I do not own. However, I have no intention on infringement of your copyrights. Cheers!

Friday, July 5, 2024

Photographs from the THD July 4th Party, 2024

My Hawaiian Shirt and Matching Hat at top of the July 4th Hat Decor provided by THD.  Both Photos were taken by Jenny Shively. Thanks for the photos, Jenny. 

The Salad Bar Inside the Yoga Room

Barbecue Ribs, Potato salad , ambrosia salad and more than 12 other dishes were served with abundance in yesterday July 4th Party Here at THD. This was my second year of July 4th festivity  celebrating America's birthday here at THD. Inside the yoga room were it was cool 74C, Dick Botton lead a sing along of our National anthem before lunch. 

Outside it was hot, but not too bad under the shade and umbrella provided by THD.  Everyone had a grand time. The food was a Gastronomic Delight. I had ribs that melt in my mouth and potato salad.  Again thank you THD for hosting an event that enhance the filling of our hungry stomach but also promote a sense of community and belonging.  Since Pictures are worth for a thousand words, here are some I took yesterday.


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