Marinduque Mainland from Tres Reyes Islands

Marinduque Mainland from Tres Reyes Islands
View of Marinduque Mainland from Tres Reyes Islands-Click on photo to link to Chateau Du Mer


If this is your first time in this site, welcome. It has been my dream that my province, Marinduque, Philippines becomes a world tourist destination not only during Easter Week but also whole year round. You can help me achieve my dream by telling your friends about this site. The photo above is your own private beach at The Chateau Du Mer Beach Resort. The sand is not as white as Boracay, but it is only a few steps from your front yard and away from the mayhem and crowds of Boracay. I have posted some of my favorite Filipino and American dishes and recipes on this site also. Some of the photos and videos on this site, I do not own. However, I have no intention on infringement of your copyrights. Cheers!

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

UNFIT: The Documentary on the Psychology of Donald Trump

I watched This Documentary in my Prime Video the other day and I agree with the  review below. Now that President Biden has withdrawn, The Democrats chance of Defeating Trump has gone to higher level. Democrats unite and save America from the mad Dictator.   As of this writing date, Kamala Harris presumptive Democratic Nominee is leading Trump by 8 points from Independent Voters. The future of Kamala Harris looks bright!

This documentary shows the consequential repercussions of having Trump as our President again, due to his seriously flawed personality traits. It's so much more than his leadership skills and what policies he will put into place. How can we let this man lead our nation when his core values are the opposite of what we teach our children (be honest & kind, love your neighbor, share, apologize when you've done wrong, communicate openly, be openminded, forgive, etc.)? I learned in his first Presidency, Trump didn't unite the country during crisis nor did he intelligently try to help, instead he avoided responsibilty and denied Covid existed. If President again, he most likely will promote hate and encourage separating an already divided country. I believe he only cares about himself, threatens our democracy and we have too much at stake to let him be president again in 2024, if given the chance. We need a leader with a strong sense of character who will bring the nation together, promote positive changes and not tear it further apart. We truly need a leader to step up and serve the people of our great nation...TRUMP IS NOT MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN AND TRULY NEVER DID!

For other reviews visit:

Meanwhile, here's the highlights of THD Events for July 29 to August 4.  The Sound Bath scheduled for Saturday, August 3 at 3PM, I highly recommend.  For the Benefits of Sound-Bathing read my article on this subject at bottom of the page.💚 


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