Marinduque Mainland from Tres Reyes Islands

Marinduque Mainland from Tres Reyes Islands
View of Marinduque Mainland from Tres Reyes Islands-Click on photo to link to Chateau Du Mer


If this is your first time in this site, welcome. It has been my dream that my province, Marinduque, Philippines becomes a world tourist destination not only during Easter Week but also whole year round. You can help me achieve my dream by telling your friends about this site. The photo above is your own private beach at The Chateau Du Mer Beach Resort. The sand is not as white as Boracay, but it is only a few steps from your front yard and away from the mayhem and crowds of Boracay. I have posted some of my favorite Filipino and American dishes and recipes on this site also. Some of the photos and videos on this site, I do not own. However, I have no intention on infringement of your copyrights. Cheers!

Thursday, September 19, 2024

My Poem of the Day- You Are Dying Slowly If----

💚Pablo Neruda- Chilean poet who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971

This is my poem for Today- You are Dying Slowly If---------

You start dying slowly ;
if you do not travel,
if you do not read,
If you do not listen to the sounds of life,
If you do not appreciate yourself.

You start dying slowly :
When you kill your self-esteem,
When you do not let others help you.

You start dying slowly ;
If you become a slave of your habits,
Walking everyday on the same paths…
If you do not change your routine,
If you do not wear different colours
Or you do not speak to those you don’t know.

You start dying slowly :
If you avoid to feel passion
And their turbulent emotions;
Those which make your eyes glisten
And your heart beat fast.

You start dying slowly :
If you do not risk what is safe for the uncertain
If you do not go after a dream
If you do not allow yourself
At least once in your lifetime
To run away from sensible advice

Don't let yourself die slowly
Do not forget to be happy!
~ Pablo Neruda♡

💚Pablo Neruda was the pen name and, later, legal name of the Chilean writer and politician Neftalí Ricardo Reyes Basoalto. Neruda assumed his pen name as a teenager, partly because it was in vogue, partly to hide his poetry from his father, a rigid man who wanted his son to have a "practical" occupation. Neruda's pen name was derived from Czech writer and poet Jan Neruda; Pablo is thought to be from Paul Verlaine. With his works translated into many languages, Pablo Neruda is considered one of the greatest and most influential poets of the 20th century.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

My Word of the Day- Project 2025 Song

While playing bridge the other day, my partner took a long time to respond to my first bid. His action reminded of the word- cogitate/cogitating.  I did some search and here is the list of similar words for Cog-i-tate. English, I would say is fun and sometimes complicated.  Enjoy! Have Fun with WORDS!     

verbcogitate3rd person presentcogitatespast tensecogitatedpast participlecogitatedgerund or present participlecogitating
  1. think deeply about something; meditate or reflect.
    "he stroked his beard and retired to cogitate"
    think (about)
    give thought to
    give consideration to
    mull over
    meditate (on)
    muse (on)
    ponder (on/over)
    reflect (on)
    deliberate (about/on)
    ruminate (about/on/over)
    dwell on
    brood (on/over)
    agonize (over)
    worry (about)
    chew over
    puzzle (over)
    speculate about
    weigh up
    turn over in one's mind
    be in a brown study
    put on one's thinking cap
    pore on

    Another word, I love to use in my writings is ruminate

Meanwhile enjoy my latest photo with my Harris-Walz T-shirt and Pin- a Gift from Ditas during her short visit last September 15.

Lastly here's a video of Project 2025:

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Introducing Batman & Robin- Cats Symbolism

Batman and Robin-2.5 years old-male neutered American Short-Haired Domestic Breed ( Black and White-Tuxedo Cats)

If you are following my blogs, you probably already know, my two cats, Batman & Robin have been my apartment mates here at THD since my move last year in June. I have written a few articles about cats, but today's blog discus the spiritual and physical symbolism of cats, in general and in most cultures all over the world. Here's the article for your reading  pleasure.        

Cats have held significant symbolic meanings across various cultures and belief systems, both spiritually and physically. Here’s a breakdown of their symbolism:

Spiritual Symbolism

  1. Independence and Freedom: Cats are often seen as symbols of independence due to their solitary nature. They embody self-sufficiency and the ability to thrive on their own.
  2. Mystery and Intuition: Cats are frequently associated with the mysterious and the unknown. Their nocturnal habits and enigmatic behavior contribute to a perception of them as creatures connected to the spiritual realm, enhancing intuition and mystical insight.
  3. Protection and Guardianship: In some cultures, cats are believed to protect against negative energy and spirits. For example, ancient Egyptians revered cats as protectors of the home and symbols of divine protection.
  4. Feminine Energy: Cats are often linked to feminine qualities, such as nurturing, sensuality, and intuition. In various mythologies, goddesses associated with love, beauty, and fertility are often depicted with cats.
  5. Rebirth and Transformation: In some spiritual beliefs, cats symbolize rebirth and transformation, reflecting their ability to adapt and thrive in various environments.

Physical Symbolism

  1. Agility and Grace: Physically, cats represent agility and grace. Their ability to move silently and with precision symbolizes elegance and poise.
  2. Curiosity and Exploration: Cats are naturally curious creatures, symbolizing a thirst for knowledge and the exploration of the unknown. This trait encourages individuals to seek out new experiences.
  3. Balance and Flexibility: Cats are known for their physical balance and flexibility, which can symbolize adaptability and the ability to navigate life's challenges with ease.
  4. Playfulness and Joy: Their playful behavior highlights the importance of joy and play in life, serving as a reminder to embrace lightheartedness.


In summary, cats symbolize a blend of spiritual and physical qualities that encompass independence, mystery, protection, femininity, agility, curiosity, and joy. Their multifaceted nature allows them to hold a unique place in human culture and spirituality, resonating with various aspects of life and human experience. For Details visit:,Mistoffelees%20in%20T.S.

From My FaceBook Page After the Presidential Debate( 9-10-24).  Reacting to Crazy Trump Comments. The cat looks like my young Robin.  This is Trump Pet Conspiracy- Unbelievable and Untrue!

Monday, September 16, 2024

A Short Visit from Ditas- My Harris-Walz T-Shirt and Pin

Photo Credit: Martha Rodriguez: Me with Ditas, Emily and Gwen at Sunday Brunch, September 15, 2024 

I had a 2-hour short visit from Ditas today. She took time off from her business travel in California to have brunch with me. She brought me a gift- A Harris-Walz T-shirt and Pin ( see photos below). We had a great brunch with Emily Ehm and Gwen Corbett.  She stayed with me from 10:30AM to 12:30PM. She has to be at the airport by 1PM to fly to LA for tomorrow's meeting. What a busy life!  

If you are reading my blogs you probably know that Ditas is an SES employee and a Presidential Appointee.  So to retain her job as Associate Director for Communications in the Bureau of Census, Department of Commerce, Kamala Harris has to be elected our next president this November.

Here are some photos during her visit.  Ditas is my youngest daughter. Currently she is residing in Alexandra, Virginia, with my youngest grand daughter Carenna and her pet dog- Leif.

My New T-Shirt and PIN- Harris-Walz For the People-A Gift From Ditas

With My Harris-Walz T-shirt and PIN!!! GO! Kamala, Go!

Meanwhile, here are some photos I took during the Chips and Salsa Party yesterday afternoon hosted by our efficient Activity Coordinator- Teresa Nudo. Thank you, Teresa for a job well done! 

Ditas next visit is scheduled this coming December to attend the celebration of My 90th Birthday!

A visit from Relatives and/or Friends always lift up my spirits and feeling of my being out of My Gilded Cage!

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Remembering the Names of My Fellow Residents

One of the many complaints of my fellow residents here at THD is their ability to remember names of their Fellow Residents.  I told every one I have no problem in remembering first names of most of the residents here at THD that I met during meal times and activities. I also told them I study the phone book. Thus, I also know most of the last names of residents here also.  I even know the first name of the ghost lady in the Fairmont Building, but I do not know her last name. Speaking of her she said " HI"  to me the other day. Usually, I will the first one to greet her, but the other day she was able to say Hi to me first. She is coming out of her Shell!

I did study the listings from our September phone book and I found there are five residents name Mary ( Alice Ratbun, Reiser, Sorensen, Fenelon, Ann Dewald).  There are four Linda's (Botton,  Esner, Lachick and Moschel). There are two Jan's ( Muto and McGowan), two Nancy's ( Schultz and Klieber),  two Jane's ( Mowry and Williams), two Sue's ( Hoyt and Kaplan) and two Phyllis's ( Monachello and Morecal).

On the Mens side, There are two Steve's ( Davis and Kam),  two Jay's( Pollack and Redka), two Ray's ( Chiljam and Gordon) and two Richard's ( Botton and Esner). There are 28 men, out of 120 + 1 residents here at THD but I am the only one named David.   

When I mentioned this to  my mahjong Group the other day, that I am the Only "David" here at THD, one of the players shouted "Thanks God, we can not tolerate another David.  David always wins in mahjong, corn hole and ladder ball! That is not true, that I do not win most of time in mahjong, but perhaps my percentage of winning in my Bridge Games is better than average. As they say, give me the cards and I will bid it and play with skill and perfection. As far as Corn Hole or Ladder Ball, I win once in a while, but not all the time. 

The other day, I got another nickname from a fellow resident. She called me JD. When I asked her what it meant she said "Just David".  I told her it better not be 💚JD Vance.  Or Is JD  a Term of Endearment?  I hope so! 


So My Fellow Residents if your memory is starting to Fail You, Don't Worry-it's part of aging. I would not mind if you don't remember my name as long as you don't call me Hey You! You can also call me the Blogger, if you forget "David".  Officially my name is David B. Katague. This is to differentiate it from the three other David Katague's all over the world.  B my middle name is the initial of my mother's last name "Balleza". 


It is pronounce as Cat Tag' Gay- not Cat Tag Guay'.   

There was a suggestion that all residents be provided with name tags and we should wear it during Activity Times, at all times. Another suggestion is not be afraid to introduce oneself to new residents or the other residents whose names you have forgotten, if you had a chance.

Good Day to All and Study the Phone Book( see photo above), if you want to know the Names of your Fellow Residents.     

Note: My word of the Day is Triskaidekaphobia, the fear of the number 13.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Crushing Feeling of Abandonment By John Larimore

I received the following letter from John the other day. He requested that I post this in my blogs, because his experience along with Carol show the ever-worsening problem in our world--social isolation and miscommunications as explained in the last paragraph of this letter.  Please note the last sentence in John's letter that I highlighted and enlarged. 

"Carol and I had an experience today that has left both of us sad, puzzled, and, yes, a bit angry.  Here goes:
As do many of us here at THD, Carol and I have periodic checkups by physicians in various fields and, as needed, receive treatment.  One of these has been a gastroenterologist who has had a solo practice here in Walnut Creek for many years.  Since we moved to the East Bay in 2000, this doctor has not only performed routine colonoscopes on us but has also treated us with kindness and skill for intestinal illnesses. The last time we saw this doctor was in March of this year, when he happily gave Carol a clean bill of health following a colonoscopy.
About a month later, we received a bill from him for his services which we paid promptly.  The check was cashed, and we figured everything was fully settled.
About a week ago, another bill arrived in the mail for the same amount from this same doctor.  We were puzzled, but we decided to pay the bill by mail anyway, thinking that it perhaps for a visit that had not been billed, and we planned to get clarification when this check was also cashed.
We were shocked, therefore, when, in today's mail, we found the sealed envelope, unopened, with a sticker that read "return to sender".  We had addressed the envelope correctly.
Puzzled, we called the doctor's office.  Rather than anyone answering the phone, a computerized greeting came on, advising the caller, "Your call has been forwarded to an automated voice messaging system...The mailbox is full and cannot accept any messages at this time."
By now, Carol and I were both confused and alarmed.  The doctor was an older man, and we worried that he might have died.  This physician had been a member of John Muir Health, as is our primary care doctor.  We called our primary doctor's office, but no one had any information to provide.   They suggested we go to the gastroenterologist's office.
At about 4:00 P.M, we did so.  When we arrived, we sadly found the door locked, the office completely dark, and the name of a medical lab on the door.  We went to the neighboring medical office and learned that the doctor had disappeared several months ago.  The woman with whom Carol and I spoke said that, while there had been speculation among the personnel in the various offices in the complex, no one seemed to know what had happened or what had become of the doctor.  All we learned was that the man had been "a quiet neighbor".
This whole experience has left us completely mystified.  When other doctors we've had have retired or closed their practices, we have always been notified in advance, by letter, phone, or in person.  We knew this doctor to be extremely shy, and he always maintained a solo practice.  The lack of communication and the inability to get any useful information is distressing.
I am sharing this story to highlight what I believe is an ever-worsening problem in our world-social isolation and, indeed, the erosion of the desire to communicate even the most basic information to those who would benefit by receiving it.  The more we human beings are in touch with each other, the better off we will be physically, socially, and emotionally!
Carol and I are so grateful to live here at THD, where we can care about and share with each other", John Larimore.

Personal Note: Expand your horizons! Vary your meal times companions here at Newton's once in a while! Try the circular table for 6 in the Comet Room for a pleasant conversation at Dinner Time.  Also, enjoy the modern art paintings! The temperature settings of the room is perfect. There is no need to wear a sweater or light jackets.   
Meanwhile from My FaceBook Page Today:
 When a 78-year old man rants about dog-eaters rampaging through Ohio, you have him evaluated by a geriatric neurologist. You don’t hand him the nuclear codes.


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