Here's Part 2 of the Hearing in Congress, Oct 5, 2009 on the Marinduque Power Crisis. Part 1 was sent to me by Russel Pielago this morning via Face Book comment.
It looks like Marinduque will have Power by end of this month or by November 1 ( ALL Saints Day). Good work Congresswoman Carmencita Reyes. It looks like a solution of the mess created by your administration regarding the failure of 3iPowergen, Marelco and Napocor to provide adequate power to Marinduque based on the contract that failed. For details on this contract that was never implemented and the reasons, why Marinduque has all this power outages, read dated October 5, 2009. Very interesting and informative on the reasons behind the current power crisis in Marinduque. I could smell the aroma of political maneuvering, innuendos, secrets and corruption. So what is new in Philippine politics?
Marinduque Mainland from Tres Reyes Islands
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