Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Most Popular Article in My Blogs- I Love Sunsets

Sunset from Balcony of the Beach House (CDM), Amoingon, Boac, Marinduque, 2011

While searching and analyzing some of my older postings in my blogs, I noticed that one of my posting "I love Sunsets" had as of today more than 6,500 views. I am reposting this blog for those who have not seen it. If you love sunsets, this is a must see posting.

The other day, Elaine Lazarte Chaflin posted on her Face Book Page - a sunset photo of the Amoingon Bay with driftwoods in the background. I am also sharing it with you. Makes me homesick of Chateau Du Mer.

"Over the years, I have seen and photographed several dozens of sunsets in several countries that my wife and I have visited. We have been to Marbella, Spain, Rome, Italy, London,England, Vancouver, B.C., Cancun, Mexico, Aruba, Hawaii( Maui, Kawaii, Big Island), Puerto Rico and most of the US big cities, New York, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, Chicago, Kansas City, St Louis, Miami, New Orleans, Washington, D.C. and other small cities.

But the two most beautiful sunsets that stirs my emotion are the one at Amoingon Bay ( taken at the balcony of our Chateau Du Mer Beach house-photo above) and the one over Manila Bay(# 9 photo in the posting below)".

Eight other sunset photos are in the link below:


Meanwhile here's a photo of Batman & Robin- my 2 cuties keeping me company these days.



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