Wednesday, July 13, 2022

My Grand Daughter, Alix Katague Engagement to Brendan Quinn

My grand daughter Alix Katague, oldest daughter of my oldest son, Dodie, posted some photos in her FaceBook page yesterday announcing her engagement to Brendan Quinn. I have prior knowledge of this event (3-days ago). I am flattered that I was informed ahead before the public announcement. Again, my congratulations to this handsome couple. Here are some photos of this memorable event in my aging years. Sending hugs/love to both of you, Lolo! 

Alix and Brendan were classmates at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York and are currently residing in San Francisco, California. Both have Bachelor Degrees in Computer Science & Engineering.  A very, very happy Lolo, indeed!

Below are the linkedIn sites of Alix and Brendan respectively: 

Here's Alix Photo from her FB page.

Brendan's family resides in Long Island, NY. I learned recently that Brendan's Mom maiden name is Caruana originally from Malta. I have a Facebook friend originally from Malta who is also a Caruana, now residing in Marinduque- my second home.  Small world, indeed!

My 6 grand children photo taken 12/20/14

From Left to Right: Carenna, Elaine, Ian, Philip, Alix and Marina



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