Wednesday, August 3, 2022

An Attempt to Steal one of My Statuary or is it a Prank?

The other day, I woke up and saw the garden statuary (see photo above- From Ditas-The Torso) in the middle of my brown lawn. It was taken from its location on the side of my house by the driveway. Whoever, did this decided not to steal it ( a little bit heavy) and just dumped it in the front lawn. I decided to transfer it in backyard. It is seating very well with my okra plants as background. I have a good view of it from the sliding door in the Family room.


I have several garden statuaries and plaques. I love them as much as the plants, shruberries and flowers.   Here are two articles on my garden Statuaries, solar lights and Plaques.

Our Four Favorite Gardener's Plaques

During our more than 62 years of marriage, Macrine and I have collected several garden plaques and statues. The following four are our favorites. Do you decorate your garden with plaques and statuaries?

To Cultivate a Garden is to Walk with God

Gardeners Rule the Earth

All Things Grow with Love Plaque

One is nearer to God's Heart in a Garden than anywhere else on Earth

This is the second article on my solar lights.


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