Saturday, August 6, 2022

Is Musical Talent or Artistic Ability Inherited?

Carenna( my youngest grand daughter) -Singer, Guitar Player and Composer

The other day I was reading my FB messages. There were communications  between my sister and brother. It was regarding my brother's children and my sister's grand children musical talents. It also reminded me of Carenna's musical abilities as a singer, guitar player and composer during her growing years.  This inspired me to write this blog. It answers my question if musical/artistic talent is inherited. Here's a summary on the genetic components associated with musical/artistic talents. References are at the bottom of the page.

"The gene AVPR1A on chromosome 12q has also been implicated in music perception, music memory, and music listening, whereas SLC6A4 on chromosome 17q has been associated with music memory and choir participation. Replication of these results in alternate populations and with larger samples is warranted to confirm the findings. Through increased research efforts, a clearer picture of the genetic mechanisms underpinning music ability will hopefully emerge".

There are research that points to personality traits and variables being tied to genetics.

“Being artistic or creative is associated with the personality trait of being open to experiences,” Garrison says. “Some research suggests that there are neuro biological foundations for creative individuals. Based on all available information, it is very likely that the capacity for creativity is shaped by genetic influences –– it’s a complicated way of saying that creativity and artistic interests can almost certainly be inherited.”

Personally, I never consider myself as talented in music. When I was in my preteens in the Philippines, my Mom forced me to study piano and the organ. I hated it and quit only after 2 weeks. My Mom was disappointed and never mention her dreams of molding me as a piano player. However, later in life I learned the beauty of music appreciation. Of course, my love for singing in the college choir during my college years as well as my participation with the church choirs at the urging of my wife Macrine(RIP) are the musical activities that I have enjoyed in my adulthood.   

Here's a statement about my Father on my blogs about his Drawing Abilities:

My Father could also draw freehand. His sketches and freehand drawing were beautiful. I know now that my children and grandchildren talents of drawing, sketching and painting is from his genes, since I have no ability at all to draw, paint or sketch.

 Here are the summaries about the genetics on musical and artistic talents:


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