Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Danish Cocktail and Mocktail Party Last Saturday

In connection with Faroe Islands, Denmark April Month Travel Series here at THD, we had Danish Cocktail /Mocktail Party last Saturday at the Fireside Lounge at 4PM. 

Map of the Faroe Islands in Relation to its Mother Country, Denmark

The party was a well attended and hosted by Karen and Nancy. I had the Ginger-Vodka cocktail- the name I can not pronounce. It was ok, but I am not crazy about it. It tasted like a Moscow Mule Cocktail.

I took some photos during the party. Here it is for your viewing pleasure.
Jay Pollack enjoying his Mocktail
Hisako Tanaka and Yefim Revutsky. In the background is Birgit Dewhurts-former Denmark Resident 
The Danish Black Bread-Cheese-Cucumber Snacks- Really Good Prepared by Nancy
Thank You Karen and Nancy for a Fun Saturday Afternoon!  I had a Grand time!

Meanwhile Here's a Photo of Page 5 in our April Residents Phone Book that merit a few conversations at Meal Times and Sticking out for Attention! Did you see the Photo?  

Linda's photo give me an idea. Perhaps, THD could print a special issue of our phone book with pictures of residents during our younger years.  That phone book I am sure will be a BEST SELLER of the year.   This is a photo of my first year in the US.  Looking Young, Indeed!

Meanwhile, this posting reminds me also of the famous Shakespeare Quote, in Hamlet : 
Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. That one may smile and smile and be a villain. There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in our philosophy.
Something is rotten in the state of Denmark” is used to describe corruption or a situation in which something is wrong. When Marcellus states, 'Something is rotten in the state of Denmark' he is talking about Denmark's relationship with Norway but on the symbolic level he is summing up Claudius' corrupting effect on the kingdom which is intensified by his unpunished crime.

Have a Great Day, Every One! I hope you enjoyed

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