Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Grief Educator Certificate and Some Solar Eclipse Photos

I received the following letter about three weeks ago. I am seriously thinking of enrolling in it. If you are interested click on the highlighted link below.💜💜  Last March 17, I posted an article titled "What is Grief" inspired by the 2nd year Anniversary of my youngest son death, David E. Katague III.

Hi David,

I know that so many of you are helping people in your way personally or professionally. 

The world is a better place because you are here.

Many of you feel called to help others in grief because you have learned through experience how devastating grief can be. You've also discovered that we have surprising stores of resilience and strength. 

You know that helping is healing. 

As I'm getting ready to begin the Grief Educator Certification training,💜💜 people have been asking me what is a grief educator.

A grief educator...

  • Has had the practice and training to help others navigate the rocky terrain of grief
  • Understands when and how to share their own grief story to help others feel seen and understood
  • Has the training and tools to confidently reassure those in their darkest days that there will be light again
  • Understands how to help people from getting stuck in their grief and trauma
  • Normalizes the natural process of grief and is a compassionate voice in a sea of unhelpful platitudes and unrealistic expectations
  • Is trauma-informed and can help others navigate the legacy of trauma and past wounds
  • Knows how to encourage others to feel their feelings and express their pain to make way for healing
  • Has the support and tools to help with grief without taking on anyone's pain

  • Here are 10 inspirational quotes about over-coming grief:

“We bereaved are not alone. We belong to the largest company in all the world – the company of those who have known suffering.”

Helen Keller, We Bereaved
Meanwhile here some spectacular photos of the solar eclipse, April 8, 2024

Solar Eclipse seen in South Pacific Ocean
Solar Eclipse seen in Toronto, Canada

Personal Note:  The experience of witnessing a total solar eclipse has been described as an overwhelming collective moment of awe, a sensation that makes you feel part of something far greater and more mysterious than yourself.

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