Marinduque Mainland from Tres Reyes Islands

Marinduque Mainland from Tres Reyes Islands
View of Marinduque Mainland from Tres Reyes Islands-Click on photo to link to Chateau Du Mer


If this is your first time in this site, welcome. It has been my dream that my province, Marinduque, Philippines becomes a world tourist destination not only during Easter Week but also whole year round. You can help me achieve my dream by telling your friends about this site. The photo above is your own private beach at The Chateau Du Mer Beach Resort. The sand is not as white as Boracay, but it is only a few steps from your front yard and away from the mayhem and crowds of Boracay. I have posted some of my favorite Filipino and American dishes and recipes on this site also. Some of the photos and videos on this site, I do not own. However, I have no intention on infringement of your copyrights. Cheers!

Friday, January 10, 2025

The Seduction of the Curious House Wife -By a Guest Blogger

Chapter 1: How We Become Friends

This short story was written by a good friend, a former resident of the Philippines. She immigrated to the US with her family when she was only 10 years old.  She finished her Ph.D in Nursing and married an accomplished scientist also of Filipino ancestry.  Her story may be rated as R, because there are some words, events and the story line may offend someone. But the story is well written and touches my heart and I love sharing it with you.    

"We had been friends for such a long time, so comfortable with each other company that we really don't have to entertain each other with witty conversation and political discussions.  All we know is that we are good friends, and although we do not get together more often than we should, when visiting time comes, we could always pick up where we left our relationship and conversation.  

Our beautiful friendship started when we both joined the Newcomer's Club. Having arrived in this small town, we joined the Newcomers Club and the local country club to seek new friends and meet people with same interest and educational status as my husband and I.  Both our families came to town at the same month.  All four of us, play bridge.  I am not that good in bridge compared to my husband,  but good enough to argue with each other when the bidding goes wrong. 

Nars and Anna Stewart came to town right after he finished residency in Surgery.  He was the quiet shy type, but very straight forward. Anna was the aggressive type, and yet she claimed to have trouble developing lasting friendship. 

Our beautiful friendship with Nars and Anna started at a cocktail party, when Anna was talking to my husband and said " You seems to be a nice couple and my husband likes you and your wife.  We like to get to know you and become friends".  That was, to my shy husband a very, very highly given compliment.  My husband evokes a personality of self- assurance in public.  He impresses you as a good conversationalist, sociable and out-going but in reality, he is none of these.  

He claims ( in private) that he just brings himself ( acting) to a crowd, so he does not appear anti-social.  I assure you, my husband does  a very convincing job as a very sociable individual.  In reality he hates the crowd and rather be alone and read. 

I am the one who is supposed to be the sociable type,  having been used to hub-nobbing with high society and belonging to the " creme-de la creme" of our small town in the Philippines.  But next to my husband, I appear to be just doing a mediocre job of socializing.  This is because I hate standing up on my high-heel shoes/feet for 2 to 3 hours in a cocktail party. If I could socialized sitting down, I could do a better job.

I used to be able to shift from one foot to another into another without ruining my posture and still appear in a provocative position.  But with twenty pounds more to carry, after having four children, I appear so grotesque.

My specialty in entertainment is a formal intimate dinner for six or eight. I tend to shine and glow with the candlelight that shines in the dinner table. 

Chapter 2: We Become Closer- Skinny Dipping

Anna and I became friends faster than our husband. We went to the same Coffee Klutches. We played bridge in the same group. We attended Fashion Shows at the Country Club every first Friday of the Month.  We had dinner at each other house, went to the country club on Saturday Nights. We became closed friends, called each other what is for dinner, share a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken and swam in their swimming pool almost every week. 

As the years past by, we watched Nars invest in every kind of business conceivable. It seems that everything he touches turned into gold. He surely has the Midas touch. In five years, we have watched him became a self-made millionaire.  In that span of time, the Stewarts moved from an apartment, to a middle-class neighborhood and finally to a million dollar home complete with  a tennis court, a swimming pool and a Spa and a Sauna. 

With the enclosed swimming pool, skinny dipping became fashionable.  We have been doing skinny dipping in our own pool, although it was outdoors. Our house is located outside town in a 3-are lot. I skinny dip even at the middle of the day.  I stopped skinny dipping in broad daylight when a friend dropped by without calling and caught me in the pool. She refused to give me a towel. So, my husband and I confined our skinny dipping into our nightly swim, when the kids are all tucked in bed. 

There was nothing extra ordinary about the four of us going bare bottoms. We know each other very well and none of the neighbors could see us anyway. It was a natural thing to do. We did not really have sexual attraction for each other for fear that we would be thrown into a partner swapping deal. We just like each other company, naked or otherwise.           

Chapter 3:  Nars and Anna

I know that Nars is a very prim and proper person.  He appears to even be the type where sex is either take it or leave it.  In fact, we sense that Anna just wasn't getting enough from him. To me when we are in a mix group, Nars appear to be very protective. We belong to a Gourmet Group of six couples. When jokes are dished out, green and sex jokes, I do not understand, Nars was patient enough to explain it to me. He had always think of me as Mrs. Prim and Proper, not capable of saying dirty words and uttering sex jokes. Nars was surprised one day, when I contributed a dirty joke that I repeated from others. Nars know that I am sexually adjusted and satisfied with my husband, Derek.     

Our friendship with Nars and Anna continued even after we had move out of town. My husband Derek, found a new job and we relocated in another town. We still visited each other and at weekend we went night clubbing together.  Later on, I heard news that Anna had been slumming for a young boy friend. Our sense that she was not sexually happy was correct and that their love for each other is not exactly the same as that of Derek and me.

Anna started having imaginary ailments. Most of the time, it was  a migraine headache. There was tension and just plain dissatisfaction of just being a plain housewife. She misses the daily challenge in the Operating Room as a practicing Nurse prior to her marriage to Nars. 

She informed me that Nars is just not the loving demonstrative type of person. She envies me, because my poor ( not a millionaire) husband would bring me flowers for no reason at all. The flowers may have been from somebody else garden, the florist shop or sometimes snatch from the Company's rose garden. Derek buy me gifts for my birthday, anniversaries, or Mother's Day. On the other hand. Nars does not do such things. He gave Anna a substantial allowance and she buys anything she wants or desire.

Chapter 4:      The Seduction

One weekend when we were visiting, Anna's tension headache was so severe, she was developing a stiff neck. I offered to massage her, give her a couple of rubdown that Anna enjoyed very much. While I am doing this our husbands were in the Sauna. Nars requested Derek to massage his neck too. My husband was not good it and told Nars to come to me and ask for a massage. 

Call it stupidity and my defense is innocence. I said yes and gave Nars a good massage. "sunny side up". meaning on the nude. At this time, I had still had my Bikini on. Nars was nude and his huge penis was starting to get an erection. I calculated it was about 10 inches long. I did not realize that a good massage was an excellent sexual stimulation for Nars. I was not sexually arouse during the massage even after seeing his huge erection. 

After the massage, Nars was so please and grateful, he started kissing me and telling how good he is feeling. He started touching me all over my body and it felt good.  I did not even think there was any harm in responding to his kisses. I really did not know that he was sexually aroused until he started  kissing me all over my body and touching me all over.  I did not even object when he started unfastening my bikini top and pulling the butttons off me. I responded to his kisses passionately. I became little frightened when he pushed me to the rug and at the same time touching my vagina. 

Then I started  to say stop it. My moral upbringing reminded me I just could not make love to anybody else except my husband. And that I could not do such a thing to my best friend, Anna. All the time, my whole body was fired up to the point of explosion. And when I said " God Nars, please No grudgingly,  he let me go.  I told him I am not ready to have an affair and if I do in the future, I would like it to be you.  I was able to bow down gracefully from a difficult situation without losing my face or him having to lost face either. 

For me it was a beautiful performance, that I bowed down gracefully. What I did not know was how extensive my emotional passion was. I did not know how much I really wanted him to go on and make love to me. My moral conscience told me to stop because it is the proper thing to do.  This incident was very typical of me. I handle emergencies,  any emergency very effectively, with a cool and detached way without a lot of emotion. And when things are back to normal, that is when I break down. 

After the incident, I really broke down, wanted to be desired. Nars made me feel desirable to other men besides my husband. The incident left me so shaken, and yet I had to go out to the swimming pool and act as if nothing happened. 

That night I could really not sleep. I could not tell Derek what has transpired and to what extent I was emotionally aroused. When Derek wanted to make love with me that night, I could not respond. I could not bring myself to make love to him. It was useless, all I could think is, "My God, I wanted Nars", I wanted him not my husband. I did not love him, and neither did he of me. I suppose I wander, how it will feel to have another man. I was longing for Nars touches and passionate kisses.     

The following morning, he took me for a ride in his sports car convertible, as if nothing had happened.  Driving at a hundred miles per hour, we talked about what had transpired the night before.  I told him about my feeling for him, but still I could not bring myself to do anything about it, because he was Derek's friend and Anna is my best friend. 

He told me that it just as well that did not happened, because we might not be able to handle the consequences. For once you start an affair, you just can't back out of it and he did not like to ruin two families. He confess he has never had an affair and neither have I. We were both in agreement that an affair will not be enough for us. We told each other, that if we are ready to have an affair with anybody, it will be with each other. 

I was not ready for the emotional impact of our last night short encounter. Never in my mind and my prudish upbringing, thought I could be capable of wanting anybody besides my husband. I am emotionally and sexually satisfied with Derek. My husband is a good lover. He brings fireworks in all our lovemaking. We do it three times a week. Each encounter is always a trip to the moon and back. 

Now, I feel my life is tainted. I make love to Derek and our lovemaking is good, but afterwards, I would go back to thinking how it would have been making love to another man.  Nars, what have you done to me. Why are you making me unhappy? I want you! I want to know how it feel to make love to you.  I dream of you but I do not love you. Are you worth all these unhappiness? Are you a good lover?

You might not even be worth it! Worth what? Worth Committing adultery?  I do not want to commit adultery but I want you so badly. I can make love to you, the way nobody has ever done.  I will make you so happy, that you will be willing to offer the whole world to me. 

On second thoughts, I do not want the whole world. I don't even want your life. I do not want to be your wife. With all your money and millions, I do not want your kind of life. My life with Derek and family is so secure and full of contentment.  I would not exchange my life for all the millions you have.  I don't love you, but honestly I swear to God, I want you Badly( Thinking of his 11'' of Erection).

What kind of an emotional upheaval is this? Is it really possible to be able to want two people at one time? Why do I want him and at the same time I want my husband too. Is there such a thing as being able to share yourself with two people?  I thought love was a total commitment between two people. 

I love my husband. I want him and would live with him for the rest of my life. Derek is my everything, But why do I want you? What magic do you have? Or is it just fantasies all these feelings for You?

Every woman fantasies about the Knight in Shining Armor, coming or riding towards her, sweeping her into his horse and carry her into the sunset.  I guess in my mind you are my fantasy. I know that my moral upbringing would not allow me to be with you. From now on, you are a sadness in my heart and my deep wanting for you will be just my fantasy. 

Fantasies are safe. It is a healthy outlet and help you live the things in life that you know you want but never could attain. Someway or another some of the things you want are really not possible. Fantasies are the Spice of Life as well as Variety.  I deeply wish my fantasy of my Knight in Shining Armor will happen and come to reality.  But I know that deep inside my soul and prudish upbringing, my fantasy will never be attained, and eventually forgotten ".   

Epiloque: At Amanda's and Derek 60th Wedding Anniversary, Amanda give this short story to Derek. Derek was not upset and give a smile of approval.  Derek told Amanda also a short story of his one time sexual encounter with Nars. That day when Amanda was giving Anna a message, Nars and Derek were in the Sauna. They were both naked and had a mutual masturbation episode in the Sauna. It was a one-time episode, but Nars and Derek informed each other that when they were teenagers they had mutual masturbation session with others a number of times.  In addition, unknown to Amanda, Anna attempted to seduce Derek that same night, just after Nars and Derek sauna encounter. Derek politely refused Anna seduction attempt.                        

  By  Guest Blogger: Amanda Belleza Sarmiento     



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